a social media agency team discussing strategy

10 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Social Media Agency in 2024

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Social media can take up an immense amount of time and energy. Overlooking a few simple tasks can cause your marketing strategy to go off the rails, and quickly. This is why a social media agency is a great choice to manage your social media for you.

If you don't know where to start with your social media marketing campaign, hiring an agency to do it for you might be the best way to go.

If you've ever thought of hiring a social media agency, now is the time as they offer many benefits and reasons why you should.

Benefits of Hiring a Social Media Agency

Hiring a an agency to manage your social media not only gives you a wide range of benefits, but it also helps ensure your business success.

With an agency, your brand get a vast pool of experience and resources that the agency has. Its is easier for an agency to find what your brand needs to succeed. And if you are working with them well to achieve this, you wont have much to worry about unless its about closing sales on your end.

1. Agencies are experts at what they do.

When you hire a marketing agency, you are hiring an entire team of professional marketers. They know what they’re doing. Their job is to grow your business through social media marketing. That’s their job. They do it all day, every day.

You are hiring a team that has worked with multiple clients and knows the best practices for each platform. They’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media marketing. A social media marketing agency knows what works and what doesn’t work.

They have worked with big brands and small businesses, so they know how to tailor their strategies to meet your business needs and objectives.

2. They keep up with industry trends.

The digital marketing space moves much quicker than other industries. This is because new technologies are constantly introduced and platforms are always changing their algorithms. It can be difficult to keep up with all the changes if you don’t work in this industry for a living.

Social media agencies stay on top of the latest trends. This helps to ensure that their clients aren’t left behind when something new comes out. Or there are some algorithm changes on one of the social media platforms.

They attend events like Social Media Marketing World and Content Marketing World, read books on all things social media.

3. They are a team of professionals.

The biggest reason why you should hire a social media management agency is because they can provide you with the expertise you need.

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool which has changed the way business and consumers communicate. This can either work in your favor or against you.

An agency will be able to help you do this effectively and maintain your social media presence because they understand how social media works. They also understand how it can work for you to build relationships with customers and drive sales.

4. An agency has dedicated resources.

A social media agency will have dedicated teams for different clients, as well as dedicated resources for each team. These individuals specialize in their field and work together to deliver high-quality results.

The teams are typically made up of graphic designers, videographers, photographers, copywriters, and social media experts who work together to create and execute the perfect plan for your company’s needs.

5. They understand what works.

Agencies understand what types of content work best on each platform. They understand how to push their clients’ content out there so that it reaches the right audience and generates new leads.

Social media is always evolving, but with an agency by your side, you don’t need to worry about keeping up with the latest trends yourself. You can focus on connecting with your followers and clients instead!

Many businesses have already realized that running an in-house social media team is time consuming. There are so many tasks and processes to be done that it takes a lot of time and effort to do it all in-house, such as:

  • Planning and strategy
  • Content creation
  • Engagement
  • Analytics
  • Management

This can take valuable time away from doing the things you do best; instead of keeping up with the latest trends, you are busy creating content. There's also the issue of expertise.

Their list of marketing services are not just limited to a few tactics, they can help you with influencer marketing and social media advertising.

A social media agency has the experience of working with a variety of clients across different industries. They know how to create the right strategies that will help their client's business grow.

Not only do they know the top social media platforms your brand can perform, they also know what marketing campaigns to run to increase chances of you growing online.

6. Agencies achieve your goals on social media.

Hiring a social media agency may be the right option for your company, whether you're just starting out on social media or looking to up your game. Agencies bring a wealth of experience and expertise, as well as flexibility and scalability to meet your needs.

Choosing to hire a social media agency doesn't mean you're handing off all control of your brand. Instead, agencies work with you to achieve your goals on social media.

7. Saves you time and resources.

The biggest benefit of hiring an agency is saving time and money. While there are many tasks that can be outsourced to freelance and contract workers, agencies have more bandwidth to take on projects because they have their own teams and resources in place.

8. Frees up resources for other projects.

When you outsource your marketing efforts to an agency, it frees up your team's time to focus on other projects. This allows your company's employees to focus on more qualified job duties that are in line with their job descriptions and skill sets.

Agencies offer reasonable prices for their high-quality services. They are often more cost effective than hiring a team of in-house marketers with similar experience.

9. Agencies are often cheaper than an in-house team.

Because agencies specialize in what they do (social media), they can often offer prices lower than it would cost you to hire an in-house team with similar experience.

A social media marketing agency comes with a skill set and experience you need for growth, they work with multiple clients and, therefore, use these resources to manage multiple clients. Because of this, social media marketing agencies services can cost lower than if you were to hire the same marketing team in house full time.

10. Report and feedback.

When you hire an outside agency, they have one job — do what's best for your company's social media outlets. They don't have other responsibilities or duties that might distract them from the task at hand. This means that agencies are held much more accountable for their results than an in-house social media manager.

An agency is going to be much more concerned about reporting and meeting the goals that you set out together because their livelihood depends on it.

Why You Should Hire A Social Media Agency

Choosing a social media agency is a smart business move. They use different social media marketing strategies

This is especially great, if you're looking to

  • Increase your brand recognition,
  • Generate leads and sales,
  • Improve customer service,
  • Or simply grow brand awareness.

However, it's important to choose the right social media agency for your business needs.

It's no secret that social media marketing has become the most powerful way to reach and connect with your target audience. A recent study showed that more than 68 percent of the US population now has at least one active social media account, and this number is only expected to grow.

No matter the goal of your campaign or the size of your budget, we will make sure your social media marketing plan is tailored to you. We are a full service digital marketing agency that can meet your every need or support you along the way as your business grows.

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Nonofo Joel
Nonofo Joel

Nonofo Joel is the CEO of The Brand Shop, leading with innovative branding strategies and a passion for growth. A passionate volunteer on the Lehikeng Board, he's committed to advancing human capital development across Africa.