great website

What Makes A Good Website

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As the leader at The Brand Shop, I get to work with some really amazing businesses. After working with more than 100 clients over the last 5 years and launching multiple websites for those clients, one question that repeatedly asked is: “What makes a good website?”

This blog post will share my thoughts on what it takes to create an awesome website design that grabs your visitor’s attention and converts them into regular customers (or in our case, long-term partners)

What Makes a Good Website?

A good website is easy to crawl for search engines. This because it shows search engines what they can and can’t index. When a website is good, it does not have a lot of errors, it loads fast and converts visitors into loyal customers with ease.

To have a good website, simple web design techniques should apply. This is to ensure your site is accessible much easier, making it available to a wider audience.

The way you organize information and present it on a website is crucial for a great user experience. Check out this free e-book on how we approach website design.

A good website has to;

  1. Have a Clear Goal
  2. Resource Page
  3. Good Design
  4. Build for SEO
  5. Clear Navigation
  6. User Experience (UX)

1. Have a clear goal.

Before you can design anything, you need to know what your website will offer you, and that is the key to good design.

Your goal should be to create a website that works as expected.

2. Resource page.

A resource page contains information about a website. This can be information like a product, service, or product description.

This becomes all the more important as the website offers a wide range of information. The resources will attract a greater target market.

Present your site in an organized and useful way. It is a basic web design principle because it comes in the form of a single page.

It is not a series of separate pages, and it adheres to basic web design principles. This is important because it is easy to navigate to the right page.

3. Good design.

A broken or faulty site can often leave customers frustrated. They might even be suspicious of your business.

If you want to create the perfect website for your business, it is important to consider your site user. Every element of the site should work well for them.

If you prefer to leave it to the experts, click here to have one of our teams review your site.

4. Design your website for SEO

One of the most important aspects of good website architecture is SEO. This means that you can help search engines and bots to search and index your site pages.

A good-looking website is important, but you need to ensure that your website has a wide range of content. You can use photos, videos, articles, and other content.

These also work well for search engine rankings. Good web design should ensure that SEO is a part of the design principles. It makes it easier for each website implementation.

5. Clear Navigation

Navigation is the way visitors circle a website. t is a huge factor in building an effective website. It is still possible to have a site that looks great but is difficult to navigate. It can be slow to load or not friendly for the mobile.

To fix this, there is a lot of work done to transform your website into an effective website design for your customer. This step is often skipped, it shouldn’t be. It can cause a nightmare for your site’s end user.

The art of high-quality web design is more than a pretty website. It’s about building links that help visitors get what they need. This allows your customer to use the site for their intended purpose.

Links are what hold your website together. This will help users navigate your site and improve page views per session.

6. User Experience (UX)

The painful reality is that web designers and UX experts often guess when first creating a site. They are often wrong with their assumptions.

To avoid this, we conduct a short analysis of the competition and apply best practices. Continually monitoring the user interactions with your website gives a good understanding of your user’s experience.

You can reduce the amount of text by organizing information in a specific way. An example of this is organizing your web pages into headlines and subtitles.

You can even take it a step further and shorten paragraphs. This gives visitors a much better browsing experience.

Are you ready to create your ultimate website?

You can have the most beautiful and creative website in the world, but users have to access the content. If not, the website will be a failure.

To ensure this doesn’t happen, we designto keep the content visible for any device. We, therefore, ensure it works on your smartphone, the design should remain visible in one column for easy reading.

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Nonofo Joel
Nonofo Joel

Nonofo Joel is the CEO of The Brand Shop, leading with innovative branding strategies and a passion for growth. A passionate volunteer on the Lehikeng Board, he's committed to advancing human capital development across Africa.