Content Marketing Examples

15 Content Marketing Examples To Inspire Your Strategy

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Are you struggling with creating a successful content marketing strategy? Do you find yourself constantly wondering how to create content that will engage your audience and drive conversions? Look no further, because we have compiled a list of the best content marketing examples to inspire your strategy.

Content marketing has become an essential part of any successful marketing campaign. It allows businesses to create valuable and relevant content that attracts and retains a clearly defined audience.

So it’s no surprise that 64% of marketers want to learn how to build a better content strategy. However, creating content that resonates with your audience can be a challenge, and many businesses struggle to develop a successful strategy.

To help you overcome this challenge, we have put together a list of content marketing examples that will inspire your strategy. From social media campaigns to blog posts, these examples showcase the best practices of content marketing and demonstrate how businesses can effectively use content to drive engagement and conversions.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your content marketing to the next level, these examples will provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need to succeed.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

15 Stellar Content Marketing Examples To Inspire Your Strategy

Content marketing is a versatile and dynamic discipline that can take many forms, such as blogs, guides, hubs, courses, videos, games, tools, calculators, awards, books, magazines, reports, and more.

However, what sets content marketing apart is not the format of the content, but rather the value it provides to the audience. Successful content marketing offers helpful, useful, and engaging media to a specific audience that resonates with their needs and preferences.

To better illustrate this point, let’s take a closer look at some examples of successful content marketing, categorized by the types of content they use.

So let’s look at some content marketing examples categorized by types of content:

1. Coke’s “Share A Coke” Campaign

If you haven’t seen or heard of Coke’s “Share A Coke” campaign, then you’ve probably been living under a rock. The campaign took the world by storm by allowing everyone to personalize their favourite drink. Coke added the 150 most popular names in a country to the side of the bottles and people went crazy for it.

The campaign’s success is attributed to personalization. Coke made customers feel special and unique by putting their name on the bottle. This personal touch is the crux of content marketing.

Unlike many other marketing strategies that track online behaviour, re-target customers or focus on vanity metrics, Coke’s campaign targeted the most important thing to customers – their name. Research shows that 74% of marketers know personalization increases customer engagement, but only 19% of them ever use it.

Coke’s approach revolutionized emotional connections by asking people to “share” its product. It’s a viral campaign in a bottle that captivated the world. By using customers’ names, Coke captured their attention and made them feel valued.

Looking for a way to make your customers feel valued? Take inspiration from Coke’s “Share A Coke” campaign and consider incorporating personalization into your content marketing strategy.

Personalization is an effective way to increase customer engagement, drive conversions, and create lasting emotional connections with your audience.

2. Buffer’s Open Blog

Buffer, a social media-tracking app, has found success not just in their product, but in how they market it through its Open Blog. The foundation of their success lies in transparency, openness, and trust.

By sharing not only what they do, but how you can do it too, Buffer’s blog offers an incredible value with every post. Reading their blog is like being given the key to a secret club, with access to juicy information that others may not know. This creates a sense of exclusivity and the coveted velvet rope effect.

Buffer’s blog offers solutions to specific problems for specific people, and they do a damn good job at it. They tell the stories that people want to hear and provide valuable insights and advice that readers can implement in their businesses.

Through their Open Blog, Buffer has established itself as a thought leader and an authority in their industry. By sharing their knowledge and expertise, they have built trust and loyalty among their audience.

This shows that content marketing isn’t just about promoting a product or service, but about building a relationship with your audience through valuable, relevant, and engaging content.

3. Hootsuite And A Game of Social Thrones

In the world of social media management tools, Hootsuite has managed to differentiate itself by creating a memorable marketing campaign that resonates with its audience. Their “Game of Social Thrones” video went viral and became a massive hit with audiences around the world.

The success of this campaign was attributed to its ability to evoke emotions in viewers.

The video was funny, timely, and catered to fans of the popular show, Game of Thrones. It was relatable and spoke to the audience in a way that was both entertaining and informative. The video managed to draw attention to Hootsuite’s product and generated buzz about the brand.

But the real magic behind Hootsuite’s success lies in its ability to create a brand that cares about its users. The video showcased Hootsuite’s willingness to go beyond just promoting its product and instead connect with its audience on a personal level.

By doing so, Hootsuite created a sense of community among its users and established itself as a brand that truly cares about the people it serves.

The “Game of Social Thrones” campaign was a prime example of how content marketing can be used to create an emotional connection with the audience. It showed that even the most mundane topics can be made interesting with the right approach.

By tapping into popular culture and being creative with the content, Hootsuite managed to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

As a content marketer, it’s crucial to understand the importance of creating emotional connections with your audience. By making them feel something, you’re more likely to build a loyal following and create long-term relationships with your customers.

Hootsuite’s “Game of Social Thrones” campaign serves as a reminder that creativity, humour, and relatability are powerful tools in content marketing.

4. Microsoft And Stories

Microsoft’s blog, “Stories,” is aptly named because the guys at Microsoft know how to tell a good story.

Enjoying a good story is in our DNA, and we’re hardwired to connect with it. Storytelling releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin, and if you can get your audience to feel emotion with your story, they’ll trust you – and they’ll buy from you.

Author and entrepreneur Seth Godin’s whole marketing philosophy is based on this principle. The better stories you tell, the better you’ll connect with your audience. The better the connection, the stronger the relationship.

Microsoft uses “Stories” to connect with their audience by sharing the stories behind its brand and products. They also use it to showcase their customers’ stories and how they’ve used Microsoft’s products to achieve success.

By using storytelling, Microsoft can humanize its brand and products, making them more relatable to its audience. They’re able to build trust and establish a deeper connection with their customers, which is crucial in today’s digital age.

By leveraging the power of storytelling, Microsoft has created a marketing strategy that is both effective and engaging. Their customers feel connected to their brand, and as a result, they’re more likely to remain loyal and continue to use their products.

5. HubSpot

When it comes to content marketing, HubSpot is one of the best in the business, with several blogs that provide valuable insights for businesses across all industries. From sales and marketing to tech news, newsletters, and podcasts, HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of resources to help businesses promote their brand and manage customer relationships.

Their blog is particularly noteworthy, covering a wide range of topics, from the history of marketing to guides on managing viral content for small businesses. This diversity makes their content highly shareable among professionals from all sectors.

HubSpot’s blog also includes clever calls-to-action (CTAs) that promote their products throughout their content. These CTAs encourage readers to become “HubSpot Certified” or download marketing trend reports and their CRM software.

In short, HubSpot has set the standard for marketing blogs of all types and sizes. Whether you’re a novice or an expert in content marketing, their blogs offer valuable insights and strategies that can help you take your brand to the next level.

6. McDonald’s Question Time

McDonald’s, one of the world’s most iconic brands, has undertaken a unique content marketing strategy that is changing public perceptions through honesty.

McDonald’s Canada made a bold move by deciding to answer every customer’s question – about 10,000 in total. This approach builds strong relationships by stepping out from behind the brand and sharing facts, and people loved the transparency.

According to Joel Yashinsky, chief marketing officer for McDonald’s Canada, “If you have a good story to tell, tell it. But you have to do it authentically.” By answering the questions honestly and transparently, McDonald’s built trust and belief in the brand, which is crucial for turning even the worst reputation around.

The content marketing strategy adopted by McDonald’s Canada is an excellent example of how to engage customers effectively. By being open and honest, brands can connect with their audience on a personal level, which is vital in building long-term relationships.

Moreover, this strategy provides an opportunity to dispel any misconceptions that the public may have about a brand and create a more positive image.

7. GoPro And Visual Content

Visual content has become increasingly powerful in marketing strategies. Infographics and other forms of visual content can boost website traffic, and GoPro is a company that has mastered this approach.

They focus on providing quality visual content and quality products to their customers, resulting in over 10 million subscribers on YouTube and over 20 million followers on Instagram.

GoPro’s strategy is centred around its users. They know that their customers love pictures, so they provide great ones. This emphasis on visual content has helped them build a strong brand identity and a loyal customer base.

The effectiveness of visual content is not limited to GoPro’s success.

According to entrepreneur Neil Patel, infographics have the potential to double website traffic, while posts with photos are proven to engage users more than those without. People tend to engage with visual content more often than text alone, creating a personal connection with the brand.

Ultimately, the use of visual content is a valuable tool for any company looking to improve its marketing strategy. It can increase brand recognition, engage customers, and ultimately lead to greater success.

As GoPro has shown, a focus on quality visual content and a dedication to its users can help any company stand out in a crowded market.

8. Siege Media Blog

Siege Media believes in providing its users with the best experience possible, which includes updating its blog to meet current best practices. They aim to enable users to find what they are looking for quickly and easily, without a clunky user experience.

Recently, Siege Media updated its blog to enhance content marketing by improving the user’s experience. The results are evident in just three months, as the blog underwent a significant transformation, as shown in before-and-after screenshots.

By making their content easily searchable and scannable, Siege Media allows their users to find what they need quickly and conveniently. In today’s fast-paced digital world, this is crucial, as users have short attention spans and are looking for quick answers to their questions.

To help other bloggers improve their content, Siege Media has compiled a list of blog design best practices for SEO. By following these guidelines, bloggers can ensure that their content is optimized for search engines and user experience, leading to better engagement and improved results.

9. Amazon’s Garage Delivery Service

Amazon, the renowned technology and e-commerce giant, has launched a new service that allows customers to give their local Amazon driver a digital key to their garage door. This move is aimed at providing a more secure delivery option for customers who are not available during standard delivery hours and are concerned about package theft.

The launch of this service is particularly noteworthy due to the long-standing stigma around allowing strangers access to one’s home. However, Amazon’s decades of experience in studying consumer behaviour and psychology have resulted in a fascinating video marketing campaign that subtly addresses this issue.

The campaign features anthropomorphized garages, which have big eyes and talk to each other, much like human neighbours. This approach is likely a deliberate attempt to leverage the psychological response that humans have towards things with big eyes, such as babies.

Moreover, it effectively humanizes customers’ homes, conveying the message that Amazon values the safety of their domicile. This campaign effectively flips the narrative that granting delivery drivers access to one’s home is unsafe.

Amazon’s Garage Delivery Service is an excellent example of content marketing that addresses customer pain points and offers a compelling alternative narrative. The company’s marketing strategy is second to none and is an excellent benchmark for other companies looking to create a successful content marketing campaign.

10. Jake From State Farm

The State Farm Insurance Company’s viral video marketing campaign featuring Jake From State Farm has been around for years, and its original commercial on YouTube has garnered millions of views. If you’ve had cable television in the last decade, you are likely familiar with Jake From State Farm.

In 2020, the campaign went through a change, but what makes it unique is that it never strays too far from the original iteration. The new Jake, like the old Jake, is confronted with strangers doing bizarre things to get a good deal on their car or home insurance.

He reassures them that State Farm gives good deals to everyone. The narrative is comforting, and when Jake appears on customers’ TV or computer screens, he can be a welcome, funny, and familiar presence.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have craved familiarity. In psychology, this concept is known as cognitive fluency/flexibility. In other words, State Farm plays into brain science every time Jake appears on-screen.

Our familiarity with Jake allows us to relax and feel comfortable. We don’t have to make any new assumptions or assessments about Jake — he’s just the friendly guy that sometimes appears in our commercials.

This is a subtle example of content marketing that leverages the latest behavioural science to reach new audiences. It’s also highly effective in these post-pandemic days.

Despite its longevity, the Jake From State Farm campaign has managed to stay relevant, thanks to its unwavering formula and the familiar presence of Jake.

11. Slack’s Frontiers Conference

Slack has established itself as a major player in the communication and collaboration software space, and one of the ways it cements this position is through its annual Frontiers conference. The event provides a platform for Slack to meet and engage with its 630,000 global customers and keep them updated on its growing service offerings.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to adopt remote working, which led to a surge in demand for Slack’s services. The Frontiers conference offers businesses a chance to learn more about the platform and its capabilities.

However, Slack’s growth marketing strategy goes beyond the conference. The company produces a range of targeted video marketing materials, such as demos and tutorials, aimed at decision-makers at companies who need effective interoffice communication solutions.

These videos address current concerns and generate demand for the conference.

What sets Slack apart is its ability to provide value and establish relationships with its customers through thoughtful content marketing.

By addressing the pain points of remote teams and creating engaging and relevant content, Slack can build trust and establish itself as a go-to platform for collaboration and communication.

12. Byrdie’s educational content

Byrdie is a prominent beauty industry publisher that stands out in the crowded content marketing space by providing excellent educational content. The brand’s marketing strategy is so successful that it even outperforms major retailers in Google’s market share.

Byrdie’s secret lies in its long-form evergreen blog content, which is highly informative, brand-agnostic, and designed to be educational.

The brand offers numerous “Top X” content pieces that cater to specific niche audiences or products, making it easy for potential customers at the top of the purchasing funnel to better understand their problems and find effective solutions.

What makes Byrdie’s content marketing strategy highly effective is its emphasis on evergreen educational content that doesn’t require frequent updates. This approach helps the brand win organic searches and attract a highly focused and engaged audience.

By creating valuable and informative content that addresses customer pain points, Byrdie has established itself as an authority in the beauty industry. The brand’s focus on educational content provides a compelling example for other businesses looking to improve their content marketing efforts.

13. Gymshark

In the competitive world of marketing, it’s important to create content that sets your brand apart from the rest. One effective way to do this is by creating video content. According to a recent study, 81% of marketers believe videos help increase sales.

A great example of a successful video ad campaign is Gymshark’s “United We Sweat” campaign, which promoted inclusivity, diversity, and overcoming obstacles.

The campaign was designed to showcase Gymshark’s core message of uniting people through fitness. To accompany the campaign, they also created promotional images that highlighted the same message. The slogan “United We Sweat” was simple and memorable, helping the campaign resonate with the brand’s target audience.

So, how can you apply this example to your content marketing strategy? Firstly, it’s important to think about what makes your brand unique. Revisit your mission statement and target market to gain a better understanding of your brand’s core values.

Next, consider your campaign goals. Gymshark wanted to move away from its association with super-fit athletes and instead promote itself as a universal fitness brand. Placing “united” and “sweat” together was a simple and effective way to do this.

Finally, keep it simple. When it comes to slogans and taglines, less is usually more. By focusing on a simple message and keeping the design of the campaign straightforward, Gymshark was able to create a successful ad campaign that resonated with its target audience.

14. Travel Manitoba

Travel Manitoba has found success with its video content marketing strategy, which showcases the beauty and unique experiences of Manitoba, Canada. Their videos, which can be found on their TikTok channel, appeal to both locals and tourists alike.

By showcasing experiences such as dining, while watching the aurora borealis or embarking on a bison expedition, they have gathered over 330,000 likes and 39,000 followers.

One of the standout features of Travel Manitoba’s videos is their brevity. Unlike the long-form travel videos that are common in the industry, Travel Manitoba’s videos are short and to the point, allowing viewers to quickly engage with the content. Additionally, the reviews are honest and transparent, which adds credibility to the brand.

As a content marketing tip, it’s important to be associated with honesty as a brand. Travel Manitoba’s candid videos help viewers feel like they are there with them, which increases engagement and trust. By showcasing unique experiences and being transparent, brands can create successful content marketing strategies.

15. SEMRush

Semrush, a company that specializes in delivering online marketing solutions, provides a great example of successful B2B content marketing on social media, specifically Twitter.

The company is well-known for its expertise in keyword research, online ranking data, and content marketing. Semrush’s Twitter account stands out as a great example of effective social media content marketing.

The company’s Twitter account posts helpful infographics about online marketing several times a day, interspersed with occasional memes and jokes. What’s impressive about this example is how Semrush embodies content marketing best practices through its Twitter presence.

The company understands its audience’s pain points and knowledge gaps, and it speaks to them regularly with helpful posts that keep its audience coming back for more.

Semrush frequently uses easy-to-understand infographics that allow its audience to quickly digest information. The copy and visuals are designed to subtly alert followers to problems that Semrush solves. This approach has helped Semrush establish itself as an industry authority by truly understanding its audience’s needs and delivering information in an appealing format.

Semrush’s Twitter account is an excellent example of successful B2B content marketing. By understanding its audience and delivering helpful information in a format that resonates with them, Semrush has become a go-to resource for those seeking information about online marketing.

Build a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

To build a successful content marketing strategy, creativity is key, as we have seen from the examples discussed above. It is essential to take risks and think outside the box. Humour, storytelling, and interactive experiences can be used to engage your audience and keep them interested.

Remember, content marketing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and attention. You should focus on developing a long-term content marketing plan that aligns with your overall business goals and objectives.

At Brand Shop, we specialize in helping businesses develop and execute effective content marketing strategies. Our team of experts can work with you to create a customized plan that meets your specific needs and goals.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your business succeed through content marketing.

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Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang Bogwasi, a 2X award-winning entrepreneur and is the founder of The Brand Shop, specializing in innovative branding strategies that empower businesses to stand out. Outside work, he enjoys community engagement and outdoor adventures.